Basic Meditation Tricks for Motivation

To be successful in any industry, you need to have a single-minded approach to your business and professional goals.

3 min readFeb 1, 2021

Even when it comes to your personal life, true happiness often misses people who lack dedication to creating healthy habits. Meditation can help those who practice it focus on what is most important to them, and ultimately take the steps to make it happen.

Successful people like Oprah Winfrey, Bill Ford, and Jeff Weiner are just a few examples of successful people who attribute their continued success, at least partially, to mediation. Weiner is the CEO of one of the most successful professional social networks, LinkedIn, and has often be quoted touting the powers of mediation.

“Part of the key to time management is carving out time to think, as opposed to constantly reacting,” Weiner said.

Rise With the Sun

Most reputable sources claim that meditation is most effective when done in the morning, at a consistent time. This way, you start your day off with positive energy and a clear head, ready to tackle the day ahead of you. As another bonus, you won’t have to worry about fitting it in after your busy day.

Don’t Be Afraid of Guided Meditation

If you don’t feel comfortable enough to guide yourself through a peaceful mediation, there are many tools that can help. Some of the most popular guided meditation tools are apps that walk you through the process and help you find a style that works best for you. The highest-rated apps include Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer.

Start Small and Limit Expectations

A common mistake that people make when starting out with meditation is expecting too much from themselves. Start by meditating for just a few minutes at a time, rather than half an hour. Practice makes perfect and once you can remain focused for a minute at a time, increase your challenge. Do not be hard on yourself! Meditation should be a time where you allow yourself to make mistakes and try again.

Set a Goal

While it’s important to start small, be sure to go into your meditation practice with a goal. Some people claim that choosing a few positive affirmations to focus on is helpful. Professional goals and personal goals can also play into your calm thought during this time. Often, meditaters strive to empty their mind of invasive thoughts, but this is a tall order for a beginner.


When meditating, breathe as you would normally. Take the time to notice how your lungs fill and empty with air, rather than stretching yourself to breathe unnaturally. Headspace claims that you should “get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” Without distractions, you might be unable to ignore some negative emotions during this time. Focusing on your breathing can help you work through this while exploring the root of these feelings.

Comment below a few positive words that you might focus on during your first meditation practice! Have you tried this good habit before? What are a few tips you might offer to a first timer?

Read Further:

Headspace Calm Insight Timer Everyday Health Insider

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