Most People Are Addicted to THIS and Don’t Even Know it

2 min readFeb 17, 2021


One addictive substance plagues nearly all of humanity. It is something that is consumed on a daily basis, and most of the time people do not even know they’re doing it. It’s not illegal, controversial, or even uncommon. What is it?

The substance is sugar, and it is in most food that Americans consume every day. The World Health Organization recommends that the average person limit their sugar consumption to no more than six teaspoons or 25 grams of sugar per day for women and nine teaspoons per day for men. Despite this, the average American consumes 17 teaspoons of sugar every day, far exceeding the suggested portion.

It is difficult to cut out sugar because it is snuck into food products that aren’t necessarily sweet. For example, things like bread, tomato sauce, crackers, and energy bars generally have quite a bit of sugar. UCSF estimates that a leading brand of yogurt has 7 teaspoons of sugar in one single serving! Additionally, sugar is extremely addictive. Consumers become addicted to sugar without even realizing what is happening.

The accidental overconsumption of sugar is a major contributing factor to many people’s unexplainable weight gain. There are several things that you can do to reduce your sugar intake.

1.Be more aware of the ingredients in the food that makes up your diet.

2. Exercise more often

3. Say YES to a little help

RealW8* is a supplement that helps users control their sugar cravings because everyone could use a little help in defeating this all-too-common addiction. With its three proprietary ingredients, RealW8 stops that little urge to have just one more right in its tracks.

Even better, you can buy it exclusively on for a newly discounted price!

*only available in the United States, no guarantees




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